Here are some of the causes of dark spots:

Are you having a party to attend this evening? Even though you applied foundation are your dark spots still visible? People just hate dark spots to be visible on their glowing skin. In this article we would be discussing about the organic beauty products that you must try for your skin.

But if you follow the home remedies for dark spots you can easily get rid of dark spots, dark spots are also called as age spots or black spots, they are the discolored patches of skin and they can appear as red, brown, and grey, these spots usually appear due to the melanin of the skin.

How to remove acne scars? Is the major question to many of the youngsters today, no worries the best acne scar creams are available in the market but make sure you are using organic beauty products for your skin care.

Best anti acne cream from Owlpure can help to get rid of various skin problems, when you use some of the organic products you can really feel the change of diminishing dark spots on your face.

Darks spots occur for very different reasons some may be due to the hormonal changes, due to excessive sun exposure and also due to facial hair removal sometimes.

Spending too much time in the sun or tanning may lead to excess production of melanin, which may lead to increase in the dark spots, the only solution for how to remove acne scars? Is application of acne scar creams or dark spot removal cream. Use Owlpure best anti acne cream.

Sometimes the scars left behind after the pimples, injuries or any kind of surgery can also evolve into dark spots, instead of fading, so better know how to remove acne scars? As in almost all the cases acne scars are responsible for dark spots and using the best acne scar creams can be the perfect solution.

How to treat acne scars?

  • Laser treatment
  • Chemical peels
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Cryosurgery

These are the treatments based to get rid of dark spots by using chemicals, to get rid of dark spots you can also try some of the other methods also like by using some of the acne scar creams to get rid of dark spots and acne scars.

Here are some of the home-made remedies to get rid of dark spots and acne scars:

Lemon juice:

Use lemon juice to get rid of dark spots and acne scars, as lemons are proved with high amounts of citric acid and vitamin C which can make perfect combination and can also work as a bleaching agent, which can help to lighten dark spots and best acne creams with lemon combinations can also be used.

Lemon can act as the best solution to get rid of dark spots and also to remove acne scars, you can also use lemon juice and water. Lemon juice can be a great way to remove dark spots, how ever when it is in concentrated form it might be harsh on your skin so you can add little amounts of water and can apply to get rid of dark spots and acne scars.

Vitamin E oil:

Vitamin E can be used for many of the skin problems mainly to increase skin complexity and also to maintain clear skin, vitamin E is filled with antioxidants that target free radicals which are responsible for aging and discoloration and helps in repair of damaged skin cells.

Vitamin E is cost effective and can work effectively for dark spots and acne scars, to get rid of dark spots vitamin E is the best option.


One of the best and wonderful vegetables that can work effectively to get rid of dark spots and acne scars is potato, it works wonders on your skin starch and sugar which are the key components of potatoes wok in exfoliating magic to remove dead skin cells and aid the growth of fresh skin.

Here is the easy tip to use potatoes on your skin for dark spots, slice potatoes and place them on the areas of dark spots and leave them for more than 10 minutes for better results.

Take 1 large sized potato, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, slice potatoes into thin slices and soak them in a cup of boiling hot water, leave the potato slices to soak for half an hour, remove the potato slices and add a tablespoon of lemon juice to the water left behind. Use handmade lavender soap to get beautiful and acne free skin.

Refrigerate the potato and lemon water mixture and then apply the cold mixture directly on the dark spots by using a cotton ball, wash it off after 20 minutes this can be done twice a day for better results to get rid of dark spots.

Best acne creams can also work miracles some of the anti-acne creams from owlpure can work best for both acne, acne scars and also enhances your skin complexion. Also, you can use essential oils for face to treat acne.

The products from Owlpure are purely organic and can work miracles on you if used regularly for specific period of time.

Chemical free face products should be preferred by the people instead of attractive skin products loaded with chemicals.



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