What To Know About The Stem Cell Therapy For Your Elbow?

Tennis elbow, also identified as lateral epicondylitis, is a severe elbow condition created when the connecting tissue of the forearm muscle to the elbow enhances irritation due to overuse of the elbow. Tennis elbow is a standard elbow joint injury among those who participate in racquet sports like tennis, though other actions can also put you at risk. Approximately 3 to 9 million characters in the world will manifest tennis elbow. In most cases, tennis elbow can be treated favorably with physical therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs. When this doesn’t work, the operation is performed to either extract the inflamed tissue from the tendon or reattach the tendon tears.

However, surgery for tennis elbow may not be a complete solution for many patients. A complete recovery from the operation can take 3 to 6 months, and patients may experience:


  • Loss of strength in the forearm
  • Decreased range of movement in the elbow

In some circumstances, patients will have to abandon the activity that caused them to get tennis elbow.


At the Stem cell therapy in dallas place, they contribute a safe alternative to tennis elbow surgery. Utilizing advances in regenerative medicine, they can repair a patient’s tendon tears by using their stem cells. Patients who undergo stem cell therapy for tennis elbow experience quicker healing and avoid the long-term effect of operation, including abandoning their active lifestyle.


How Does Stem Cell Treatment For Tennis Elbow Work?


Stem cell treatment for tennis elbow is an outpatient method that takes a several hours to complete. The method starts with the abstraction of stem cells from the patient’s blood, fat tissue, and bone marrow. Stem cells are the natural healing device in the human body. They have the capacity to morph into other types of cells such as muscle, cartilage, or bone cells to correct a damaged joint.

After abstraction, they consolidate the stem cells with various extension factors including human growth hormones (HGH) to create a large concentration of super-charged stem cells which are injected into the patient’s elbow using ultrasound to manage the injection. Once injected, the stem organizations will start the true method of fixing the tendon tears without the aid of drugs or surgery.

When Do I See Results?

After the injection, the stem cell will start the healing process immediately. However, because the stem cells are returning the elbow joints through a natural method, results will not be instant. Typically, patients will start to see a reply from the stem cell therapy for elbow in about 3 to 4 weeks after the injection. Afterward, the stem cells will continue the restorative method, and patients will see even more excellent results in the coming weeks.

For most patients, a unique stem cell injection is all that is needed to heal their tennis elbow. For patients with critical damage, a second stem cell injection may be required after a month from the first injection. The amount of stem cell injections will be determined after the orthopedic specialists examine a patient’s elbow.


Am I A Candidate For Stem Cell Therapy For My Tennis Elbow


Stem cell therapy is a safe alternative to tennis elbow operation but to determine if stem cell therapy would be effective in getting your elbow joints, our board certified orthopedic surgeon would have to examine your medical files first. Afterward, knee doctor dallas will advise you the best treatment to use.

What Is The Treatment For Elbow Conditions?

Fractures that are out of place or are not stable are more likely to require surgery. A surgical procedure will replace and stabilize or remove bone fragments. Whenever a fracture is open, skin broken over the fracture, urgent surgery is necessary to clean out the wound and the bone to lower the risk of infection.

Non-surgical treatment such as using a cast, splint or sling is generally used when the bones are at a low risk of moving out of place or when the position of the bones is okay. Age is another important factor when treating elbow fractures. Casts are used more often in children, as their risk of developing elbow stiffness is less. However, in an adult, elbow stiffness is highly likely. Rehabilitation or post-procedure directed by the doctor is often used to increase motion and decrease the chance of getting elbow stiffness. This might include exercises, scar massage, ice, ultrasound, heat, and splints that stretch the joint.

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