9 Checklist for a Successful Social Media Audit
What Does it Mean by Social Media Audit?
It in simple words is evaluating what you have already done. Making and launching a social media marketing strategy sometimes in not enough and you need to step back and analyze what even is happening with that strategy in the market, is it even working or not, what part of it is actually doing justice to what you wanted, what part of it is not getting acceptance from users, etc. This is what you do in social media audit. Analyze, judge and make conclusions over your own strategies and its after launch affects.
Why Should One Conduct A Social Media Audit?
When the main focus is to evaluate your already launched work, look for necessary changes and needs of the users and also revise the previous work, there are some other benefits of it are also there:
- Safeguarding your brand from potential penalties or reputational damage as every platform has its own set of rules, which every brand needs to follow or take notice of. Sometimes, we just slip off from this and may post something against the rules of the particular social media platform. Doing audit helps you to observe and see whether your content is with alignment to the regulations of the social media handles.
- Social media audit gives you a space of analyzing what the competitive brands are doing and planning and where you are standing in front of them.
- While you have already made a strategy knowing the already existing opportunities and put it in front of the market, sometimes doing an audit gives you an idea of what else could also be done and what could be the new opportunities to explore.
- Another really important benefit of social media audit is getting feedback and opinions of the user through the comments, likes, searches and DMs.
- It is not hidden, how brands are partnering up with influencers and content creators to promote and get their brands recognised. However, it is important to know which influencer suits the best to promote your brand and social media audit helps exactly in that by helping you in analyzing which influencer is actively doing what work and what could be done while collaborating with them that could give out the best results.
What are Some Checklists of Social Media Audit?
1. Platform Assessment
- List and compile all the social media platforms where your brand has an account or consistent presence.
- Make sure that all the accounts have a complete profile and all the necessary up-to-date information.
- Add all the other necessities like profile pic, logo, etc if not already added.
2. Content Evaluation
- Analyze the engagement metrics and conversion rates and make a conclusion about what are the current top performing content in the social media platforms.
- Now, review your own content and its relevance with the engagement metrics and audience interest.
3. Advertising Effectiveness
- Assess the performance and engagement of the paid media ads and promotions and also calculate the audience response to them.
4. Competitor Analysis
- Identify who are the major competitors for your brand and even who can be competitors in near future.
- Match your content with them and look for ways you can make more recognition and popularity.
5. Influencer Collaborations
- Look and analyze the previous collaborations and the benefits gained from them.
- Search and make a list of new collaborations and potential influencers you can partner up with for your brand.
6. Policy and Guidelines
- Look for whether your already posted content aligns with the social media handle guidelines.
- Make edits and changes wherever necessary to save your content or brand from penalties or reputational damage.
7. Social Listening
- Stay updated with who and when your brand is being mentioned and what are the responses and comments of users on it. Make brand promotional strategy based on it.
8. Audience Analysis
- Identify the target audience for your posts.
- Look for potential content that could attract them.
- Analyze the engagement of the users by previous posted works through likes, shares, comments, etc.
9. Keyword and Hashtags Analysis
- Look for the relevance and popularity of already posted keywords and hashtags.
Remember that a brand’s popularity and profit depends majorly on how the audience accepts it. If the audience and users could connect with your products and content and found understanding of it at ground level, there won’t be anything that will distract them in attracting and giving attention to your brand and products. So, trust and personal connectivity is really important, no matter the platform or way of promotion or marketing. Sometimes, brands on their level of rigid approach fail to recognise the other aspects of marketing and just be unidirectional with their strategy. In this case, what is needed by any business is a social media marketing agency, who will keep stress over thinking and working out of the box and making strategies that are long run in the market and not just focused on one current trend.