What Are The Recommended Foods And Drinks To Lower Your Blood Sugar?

What are some foods and drinks that are effective in lowering blood sugar? Also, are there any tips on how to eat? In this article, we will explain foods and diets that are effective in reducing blood sugar levels.

What foods and drinks can help lower your blood sugar?

Some of the foods that can help lower your blood sugar are: (However, it is not recommended to rely solely on specific foods to lower your blood sugar. Eat many foods in a balanced manner first.).


Onions are rich in is the origin, which has the effect of improving the function of insulin and is said to have the effect of promoting a decrease in blood sugar levels. Its head dissolves the active ingredient when soaked in water, so it is recommended to cook it or eat it raw. However, onions are one of the vegetables that contain a lot of sugar, so be careful not to overeat.


Mushrooms have the function of enhancing the action of insulin receptors, which are hormones that lower blood sugar levels, and have the effect of promoting the lowering of blood sugar levels. Cenforce 150 and Vilitra 40  the rise in testosterone levels. In addition, because it is rich in dietary fiber, it is expected to have the effect of suppressing the digestion and absorption of sugars and suppressing the rise in blood sugar levels.


Avocado is rich in potassium, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar levels and promoting the action of insulin, and lowering blood sugar levels. In addition, since it has the lowest sugar content among fruits, it is said that the blood sugar level rarely rises when ingested.


Broccoli is rich in chromium, which enhances the action of insulin, and is said to promote the action of insulin to lower blood sugar levels. It also contains folic acid, which helps relieve stress that causes blood sugar levels to rise. It has almost no sugar.


Natto contains lecithin and saponin. A lack of lecithin causes the pancreas to stop producing insulin. In addition, saponin has the effect of lowering blood sugar levels, so be sure to take it positively.


Tofu is rich in isoflavones, which are said to have the effect of lowering blood sugar levels.


Polysaccharides such as pectin and galactan, which are the source of the slimy feeling of okra, are said to have the effect of suppressing sugar absorption and lowering blood sugar levels.


Konjac contains a component called glucomannan, which is rich in dietary fiber and is said to have the effect of suppressing the absorption of sugars and lowering blood sugar levels.


Cabbage is rich in dietary fiber, which suppresses the absorption of sugars. Therefore, it is expected to have the effect of preventing the blood sugar level from rising sharply and promoting the decrease of the blood sugar level.


Blue-backed fish such as mackerel are rich in EPA, and DHA is called good cholesterol. For this reason, it is said to have the effects of smoothing the blood, making it difficult for the blood to clot, and lowering the blood sugar level.


Coffee contains chlorogenic acetic acid, which is said to have the effect of promoting sugar metabolism and suppressing the rise in blood sugar levels.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in catechins, which have the effect of suppressing digestive enzymes. For this reason, it takes time to digest and is said to be effective in preventing the rise in blood sugar levels.

Yacon tea

Yacon tea is rich in that it is difficult to absorb in the body. It is said to have the effect of activating the action of bifidobacteria to attack harmful bacteria, lowering blood sugar levels, and relieving constipation.

Brown rice tea

Genmaicha contains oryzanol, and catechin, each of which is said to have the following effects.

How to eat to control the rise in blood sugar?

  • Let’s keep in mind the eighth minute of the belly.
  • Increase the variety of foods and try to have a well-balanced diet
  • Keep fat modest
  • Eat foods rich in fiber.
  • Try to be modest in seasoning.
  • Let’s eat three meals regularly in the morning, noon, and evening.
  • Chew slowly and eat well

Also, if you spend too little time eating, you will not feel full and overeat, so take at least 15 minutes for each meal.

And even if the menu you eat is the same, you can prevent the blood sugar level from rising sharply by changing the order you eat the food. At the beginning of your diet, eat fiber-rich vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweed to slow down the digestion and absorption of sugar. If you eat meat and fish after filling your stomach to some extent with these ingredients and then eat rice at the end, you can prevent the blood sugar level from rising sharply and from avoiding overeating rice.

How long should you work on exercise to lower your blood sugar?

In health guidance, you are often instructed to aim for 10,000 steps a day, but I don’t think many people can achieve this goal. However, according to one study, it has been found that walking a little faster for 3000 steps a day can have effects such as lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol levels, and eliminating obesity.

It has also been confirmed that people who maintain a walking speed of 100 steps per minute for 30 minutes a day show good test values ​​even if the total number of steps is less than 10,000 steps a day. Walking for 10 minutes after a meal in people with type 2 diabetes can reduce postprandial blood sugar elevations. Vilitra 60 and Vilitra 20 to improve intimate life. For this reason, people who are not good at continuing exercise should walk for 10 minutes 30 to 1 hour after eating.


Eat and walk to lower your blood sugar.

Make sure you actively take in foods and drinks that help lower your blood sugar. To prevent a rapid rise in blood sugar levels after eating, it is also useful to change eating, such as chewing slowly and changing the order of eating. In addition, you can expect the effect of lowering the blood sugar level by walking 3000 times a day for an active walking or walking for 10 minutes after eating.

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