Sectors that are shifting towards Solar Energy | di47studio

Solar energy is the biggest natural source of energy on our planet. According to research, the sun’s one-day energy is equal to the one-year consumption of our global population. It is the best, bigger and clean source of energy. Now the days, in our electricity industry hydro and fossil fuels are providing their share. Both are providing electricity according to our needs. But its cost is more than any other source, fossil fuels are costly instead of this solar energy can pay you back in just 4 to 6 years. Solar energy’s best advantage is that you don’t need to strict on the grid; you are the owner of your energy production. You can use energy in your ways. You can use solar energy for your house and commercial uses as well as you can sale electricity to your national grid.

What are the Sectors using Solar Energy?

You can use solar energy for your house, commercial areas, pools, hiking, or any daily routine usage. Here is a detailed list, where solar energy is used or can be used.

Residential Electricity:

Most of the houses are converting their electricity source form grid electricity to solar electricity. Solar energy can be used in any system like on-grid and off-grid systems. It is a cost-effective system for the residential sector. Solar panels are effective for more than 25 years and solar systems have the ability to pay you back in just 4 to 6 years.

You do not need to buy a separate land to install and adjust solar panels; solar panels can be installed on your home’s rooftop. And definitely you need a back-up if you are shifting your electricity sourced from the grid to solar. For this purpose, you can use solar batteries and solar charge controller. Solar energy can give you power for the whole day and night especially in a sunny place.

Either you are in United States, Siberia or in Pakistan, solar energy is effective. Solar energy can power your house from a bulb to a refrigerator. The residential sector has a bigger share in the solar energy market.

For commercial and business sector:

Commercial and business sector needs a big electricity supply. And it can be costly for a commercial or business organization. Solar energy can reduce electricity costs and can provide you electricity for a long period.

The private sector, as well as the government sector, is also shifting its power sources towards solar energy. In the list of countries that are shifting to renewable energy, Germany is at the top of the list. In Asia, China, India, and Pakistan are shifting to solar energy very rapidly. Tengger Desert solar park, china, and quid-e-Azam solar park, Pakistan are an example of this.

The private sector is also changing power source very rapidly, in this sector petrol pumps are shifting in huge numbers. Solar panels can be used as a rooftop instead of any other material and have the ability to power the whole petrol pump.


The solar system is providing us clean and cost-effective energy. Either you are in a residential sector or in the commercial sector if you want to save your money as well as the environment than take a look at solar energy. There are so many companies are providing solar services and products online in Pakistan like buy solar and many other sites.


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