What Are The Types, Causes, And Symptoms Of Heart Diseases?

Heart disease often occurs over time. You may have early symptoms or signs long before you have severe heart problems. Or, you may not recognise that you are receiving heart disease. The notice signs of heart disease may not be clear. Also, not every person has the same signs.

Specific symptoms, such as ankle swelling, chest pain, and shortness of breath, may be signs that something is wrong. Learning the warning symptoms can help you get treatment and help to overcome a heart attack or stroke.

Chest Pain:

According to Gastroenterology journal the gastrointestinal troubles may present with chest pain also with mimic angina pectoris. Chest pain is trouble or pain that you feel along the front of your body, between your neck as well as in the upper abdomen. Many causes of chest pain have no more to do with your heart.

But chest pain is still the most frequent symptom will reduced blood flow to the heart or a heart attack. This kind of chest pain is called angina.

Chest pain can get when the heart is not getting sufficient blood or oxygen. The quantity and type of pain can vary from person to person. The depth of the pain does not always relate to how severe the condition is.

Shortness of Breath:

When the heart pumps blood as well as it should, blood backs up in the veins that go from the lungs to the heart. Fluid flows into the lungs and causes conciseness of breath. This is one of the dangerous symptoms of heart failure.

You may notify shortness of breath:

  • During movement
  • While you are resting
  • When person is lying flat on your back — it may even wake you from sleep

Narrowed Blood Vessels:

Reduction of the blood vessels that bring blood to other body parts may mean you have a much higher risk to affect with a heart attack. It can happen when cholesterol and other fatty material (plaque) form up on the walls of your arteries.

Bad blood supply to the legs may lead to:

Pain, fatigue, achiness, burning, or discomfort in the muscles of your calves,  feet or thighs.

  • Symptoms that usually appear during walking or exercise, and go away after some minutes of rest.
  • Numbness in your feet or legs when you are at rest. Your legs may also seem cool to the touch, and the skin may look like a pale.


Tiredness can have many problems. Often it merely means that you need to take more rest. The feel which run down in your mind can be a sign of a more severe problem. Fatigue may be a symptom of heart trouble when:

A person may feel tired than normal. It’s normal for women to feel severely depressed before or while heart attack.

You also may feel so weak that you can’t do your regular activities.

You have a sudden, critical weakness.

Swelling in the Legs, Ankles, or Feet:

The Cardiology Journal research are also proven that swelling in your lower legs is another symptom of a heart problem. When your heart doesn’t operate as well, blood flow slows also backs up in the veins in your legs. This causes fluid to develop up in your tissues.

Coughing or Wheezing:

Wheezing or coughing that doesn’t go away can be another sign that fluid is developing up in your lungs. You may also cough up phlegm that is pink or bloody.

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